12 October 2008

Vomit isn't so bad

As we pulled into Blockbuster to pick out some scary movies for tonight, my son announced, "Mommy, I am going to throw up soon." Maybe half a second later, he barfed.

Go here (http://tiny.cc/z5aLV) for new words for vomit. It's pretty funny.

What impressed me was the level of calm my wife and I had as we watched our wonderful son ralph all over himself. It was like, we each had a mission. Took Julia away from the situation away from Jonathan's embarrassment, while my wife began cleaning him up. When I came back with the movies and the Boba Fett bobble head (Jonathan said it made him feel better), I found my son sitting in the back seat wearing only his underwear and a smile. I was handed the soiled clothes and properly disposed of them.

When we first became parents, we would have freaked out. But now, it's not a big deal. It just puke and it gets cleaned up and we move on. It was kind of nice. Not a lot of drama.

Amy and I discussed how we were thankful he did not decide to toss his cookies in the store. What is the proper etiquette if you kid throws up in Target and you have a cart full of stuff? Obviously you alert the store, but do you go ahead and buy your stuff, or do you just call it a day and leave? For some reason, Amy and I believe it is a bit strange to have your kid york all over the floor and then just go ahead an finish up your shopping. Any advice for the future would be appreciated.

My son said he ate too many pancakes. We have been home for about 45 minutes and he is on his second apple. We will see what happens. Maybe more Technicolor Yawn. If so, we can deal with it.

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